Ιωάννη Κρανιδιώτη 2

555 35, Πυλαία, Θεσσαλονίκη

+30 2310 475 662

Καθημερινές : 9:00 - 14:00



3rd SHARE Congress: Science in Heraklion Awareness in Respiratory and Sleep Evolution

The 3rd SHARE Congress: Science in Heraklion Awareness in Respiratory and Sleep Evolution is targeting to update medical doctors and researchers for the latest advancements of Respiratory and Sleep Breathing diseases. Our aim is to cover the current knowledge, with multidisciplinary discussions between Respiratory, Sleep, ICU and Primary Care Physicians, Rheumatologists, Cardiologists, Dermatologists, expert Radiologists, Internal Medicine physicians and Respiratory Nurses, in order to elucidate difficult for diagnosis and management clinical scenarios.
Moreover, novel methodology, such as tools for the invasive and noninvasive assessment of lung diseases such as COPD, Asthma, ILDs and Lung Cancer, along with the current knowledge across various forms of Sleep Breathing Disorders included the Non Invasive Ventilation use from the ward to ICU, will be presented by experts in the field. Novel advances regarding new drugs or compounds under investigation will be presented such as novel methodology dedicated to assessment of Respiratory and Sleep Breathing diseases. The congress will provide the chance to medical doctors and professionals to meet Respiratory physicians experts in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and developing the future in both clinic and research areas

find more at “3rd SHARE Congress” page


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