Welcome message
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our great pleasure and honor to invite you to the 6th European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology – ECBIP 2021, which will take place as a hybrid event, in Athens-Greece, at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC).
After careful consideration, EABIP and the Organizing Committee have decided to postpone the event for 15-17 October 2021.
The Scientific Program will run simultaneously three tracks of interdisciplinary sessions with affiliate research and clinical disciplines, such as ICU specialists, radiologists, thoracic surgeons, pediatricians, informatics experts. Special attention will be addressed to discuss the optimal educational for an Interventional Pulmonology curriculum.
The Congress will run with the option of in-person or virtual participation in interaction and compatibility, to ensure maximum engagement of all participants in a unified scientific experience. A state-of-the-art platform, along with the dedicated App, intertwined with the physical realization, will enable you all to attend, contribute and network regardless of choice of participation. More information will be provided, so stay tuned for more on our website! http://ecbip2021.org
Until the end of November a supersaver registration fee for virtual attendance is offered giving to attendees the opportunity to register at low price now, having the option of later upgrading their registration to physical attendance at their convenience.
To find out more about the Congress, please follow these important links below: ECBIP 2021 Program, Registration, Call for Abstracts and The Venue.
ECBIP 2021 constitutes a great opportunity to meet researchers and clinical practitioners from all over the world, expand your knowledge and skills with state-of-the-art lectures, workshops, problem based learning sessions and live demonstrations. To this end, your contribution through abstract submission and active participation is crucial.
We look forward to welcoming you, physically or virtually, in Athens in April 2021 for an exciting Interventional Pulmonology scientific event!
The ECBIP 2021 Organizing Committee Co-Chairs,

Gr. Stratakos
Pulmonology Unit

N. Koulouris
1st Respiratory
Medicine Department
Abstract Contests
The organizers of the 6th European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (ECBIP) are pleased to announce that submissions are open for participation in the Abstract Contests.
CONTEST A: The patient I learned most from [for e-Poster or Video format]
CONTEST B: Best research e-Poster [for e-Poster format]
CONTEST C: Best IP image [for e-Poster format]
CONTEST D: Best video presentation [for Video format]
An independent jury will review all submissions and designate two awards (1st and 2nd place) in all above categories, based on scientific content and innovation.
Each team can submit an unlimited number of contest candidacies.
More information will be provided, so stay tuned for more on our website!